June 14, 2021

Gergely Barna

Discover the interview with Gergely Barna :

How did you become a designer?
I have been concerned about how things work since I was a child 🙂 I got my first degree as an industrial product engineer with a specialization in packaging design, after which I also did a master’s degree. I love how complex is the packaging design: engineering, marketing, sales and art design at the same time.

How would you define your design vision, your style?
We follow Dietr Rams’ 10 design principles in our design process. After all, it is not enough if it just looks good, it must work, it must be sustainable, it must be long-lasting and it must be understandable. In addition to these guidelines, our work is driven by sales-oriented design, meaning that after our design intervention, the customer can sell more of their product.

For the future, what are your professional projects?
We are working with increasingly complex product families, and this year we are working hard to renew a brand of hundreds of products.

What do you like the most in your job ?
The best part of our job is when our plans take shape. When the manufactured packaging smells of fresh ink, when the sheets of paper are still crackling and you meet it on store shelves. After the design intervention, we used to monitor what the appearance of the product evokes from customers, as the task of packaging is not only to protect the product, but also the role of the “silent seller”.

You can find out more on Instagram : barnadesign

