Discover the interview of Luis Marques from M&A CREATIVE AGENCY, located in Anadia, Portugal
How did you become designer ?
Since young I went into the advertising world, being a model cover of a toy brand.
That experience last a few years and later on, definitely had a huge influence in my professional choices.
I’ve studied Advertising and PR, and at the end, all my doubts were vanished…more than promoting brands…i love to think beyond…create, design…and make them work, being desirable, functional and profitable.
So, I simple started to do it, and a few years later, here I am as a member of my fantastic team, M&A CREATIVE AGENCY.
How would you define your vision of design, your style ?
My vision is quite simple, design must capture consumers attention, being functional and profitable…sometimes it also have to be surprising and astonishing.
Our creative DNA, is focused on details, market expertise, high capability to understand businesses and materialize ideas, that works.
For the future, what are your professional projects ?
I’m planning, preparing myself and my team to reach higher levels, markets and brands,
towards EU and US market.
What do you like the most in your job ?
It’s a very difficult question, although I know quite clear what makes me love this job: People!
Without people…brands never ever exists… brands depends on people skills to be created, developed, communicated and transformed to be desirable, democratized or not, affordable or not, sometimes are created just for a niche…but the most important…it’s all about people. We are thousands and thousands, so different from each other…this is quite a huge challenge.
Working with and for people, that what make everything a challenge.